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What are my chances of becoming disabled?

During your working years, you have a greater probability of becoming disabled than dying.

The chance that you will suffer a disability lasting three months or longer before age 65 is:

Age Probability
30 1 in 2
40 1 in 3
50 1 in 4


If I cannot work, where would the money come from?

Social Security : 69% of all disability applications are denied.

Savings : How long would it last?

Workers Comp : Only covers work related disabilities.

Borrow : Impossible without an income.

Relatives : Embarrassing to ask for money.

Spouse : Does your spouse earn enough to pay all the bills?

How do I start to apply for disability income insurance?

A short form application can be mailed, emailed or faxed to you. It consists of a few preliminary questions. After this is submitted, you would be contacted by telephone for a brief follow up interview.

Do I need to be examined?

Yes. A paramedical company will contact you to schedule a 20-30 minute exam. There is no cost to you for this exam. Questions would be asked regarding your medical history. Your height, weight and blood pressure would be measured. A blood and/or urine sample may be taken depending upon the amount of coverage applied for.

How long does it take before a policy can be issued?

An underwriter will review the application, exam results and medical records from your doctor if they have been requested. It usually takes 3-4 weeks to complete the underwriting. We would then contact you with the underwriting decision and obtain your permission prior to a policy being printed.
